
Kaisen I

Desde: 1948-01-22

Hasta: 1951-10-07

Adolf Ehlers Minister of Interior SPD
Christian Paulmann Minister of Schools and Education, Art and Science SPD
Hans Meineke Minister of Health BDV
Wilhelm Nolting-Hauff Minister of Finances Indep.
Emil Theil Minister of Construction SPD
Hermann Apelt Minister of Ports and Shipping BDV
Hermann Wolters Minister of Economy and work SPD
Erhard Heldmann minister of Food and Agriculture BDV
Willy Ewert Minister of Work, social order and housing SPD
Hermann Mester Minister of Regional culture and Minister of Housing SPD
Gustav Wilhelm Harmssen Minister of Economic research and foreign trade Indep.
Alexander Lifschütz Minister of political Liberation Indep.
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